Sardar Patel: Other Facets – SPMRF Monograph


In the words of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was “the most valiant champion of India’s freedom and the strongest unifying force in our national life.” It is to commemorate him as the architect of India’s unity that Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modiji has given a galvanizing call for a nationwide movement to create the “Statue of Unity.” Such a statue, as envisaged by him, shall, when complete, serve as a national symbol reminding us of the need to preserve and protect our unity.

In support of this huge national effort Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation, New Delhi has prepared a document on Sardar Patel covering various aspects of his action which have shown him as a decisive leader and statesman. The document highlights Sardar’s other facets which have not been adequately highlighted but which continue to inspire all true spirited nationalists across the country.

I earnestly hope that you shall find the material of some interest and can use the contents of the document during the upcoming launch of the movement for the construction of the “Statue of Unity.” We also hope to be able to soon come out with a Hindi edition of the same document.

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