
In the name of dissent, communists have always pushed for a retrograde and violent agenda, aimed at creating a state of perpetual conflict within the country. But when the practice of dissent is used as a cover to push for the breaking of the country, it calls for remedial action

The fig-leaf of dissent has been used for years, especially by the communist parties in India, as a cover to propagate an ideology that has essentially and always tried to hack away at India and at her civilisational unity. In the name of ‘dissent’, the communist parties have always preached and pushed for a retrograde and violent agenda, aimed at creating a state of perpetual conflict and war within the country and to inject in some young minds, anti-India tendencies. No one disputes the right to dissent, to criticise the Government of the day and to find fault with policies and political directions  these are legitimate activities within a democratic framework. But when the practice of dissent is used as a cover to push for the breaking of the country, it calls for remedial action or resistance.

Except fascists  which the communists, ultra-Leftists and their intellectual drum-beaters are  and a few fading and confused American intellectuals who are rebels forever in search of a cause (Noam Chomsky leads the pack), the vast majority of Indians have, however, displayed remarkable forthrightness in condemning the damning call for India’s vivisection that was made earlier in February under the mask of promoting dissent.

Meanwhile a veteran communist historian who has peddled the Marxist agenda throughout her life has in fact justified the programme at the Jawaharlal Nehru University of February 9, held to observe the death ‘anniversary’ of a terrorist and to call for the vivisection of India, as a programme that aimed at discussing the issue of ‘capital punishment’. In an article in an established weekly, she justified the gathering and sought to blanket over the slogans raised arguing that “slogans took over in a confused fashion, as happens in such situations, and the serious issue of capital punishment was lost”.

The classic communist habit of propagating a line through tactical diversion is evident in such false statements when one keeps in mind that as per the organisers’ own publicity posters and pamphlets the agenda of the programme of February 9, was to support secessionism in Kashmir, to support those who call for Kashmir’s secession from India and to garner support for all those who ‘struggle’ for ‘self-determination’ from the Indian Union and to celebrate the actions and life of a convicted terrorist — Afzal Guru — who had played a leading role in attacking the Indian Parliament in 2001.

The organisers had also declared that they were “ashamed” that the terrorist’s killers continued to live  thereby consciously inciting violence against the various wings of the Indian state and its officers and holders of constitutional positions who had carried out their constitutional duties in the trial of the terrorist. A discussion on ‘capital punishment’ as stated by this veteran card-holder communist historian was nowhere remotely seen to be the topic of the evening’s gathering. In typical communist and ultra-Leftist manner a lie is propagated until it starts appearing to be the truth, at least to some. A veneer of democratism, of rights and freedoms are quickly splashed so that the actual agenda  calling for the dissolution of India — gets subsumed under the colours of ideology, praxis, dialogue and dissent. Such are the expressions of fascism in India.

Such has actually been the agenda of Maoism, Naxalism, communism and jihadism in India  which have appeared in alliance today to stall the aspirations of India. The sloganeers in JNU have simply become pawns  conscious pawns  in this game of trying to dissolve the civilisational idea of India. However, the manner in which ordinary Indians came out in condemnation of these sloganeers was something that was reassuring. A vast multitude of common citizens responded to the call for a march for unity and came out in large numbers to reiterate their faith in the true idea of India  nurtured and shaped over millennia by our sages and thinkers. A large number of academics from leading institutions also openly called for safeguarding our universities from forces that wish to destroy India while trying to turn our educational institutions into battlefields to carry out their nefarious political objectives.

But what was most ironical was Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi’s open support to such secessionists promoting fissiparous tendencies. The Congress vice president justified this support in the name of freedom of expression. It is in fact such irresponsible political behaviour, inspired by cheap and shallow opportunism that gives winds to the sails of those who wish to create disruption and instability in the country. Having been in power for so long, the Congress leadership should have shown maturity — but perhaps that is too much to expect. India’s unity, integrity, her security and well-being is non-negotiable and that has been made amply clear by BJP president Amit Shah in his presidential address at the just concluded National Executive meeting in Delhi.

The BJP National Executive’s political resolution also spoke of how a “microscopic” section in the country is indulging in a “kind of demagogy that goes against the very essence of our Constitution.” This demagogy has always expressed itself through communist and Maoist politics in the country, a pattern of politics that has always collided with the very existence of India. The resolution, in fact, is an unambiguous expression of faith in the very idea of India and, in a sense, reflects the thoughts of millions of Indians when it said that, “Our Constitution describes India as Bharat also; refusal to chant victory to Bharat tantamounts to disrespecting our Constitution itself. Bharat Mata ki Jai is not merely a slogan. It was a mantra of inspiration to countless freedom fighters “during India’s independence struggle.”

But for communists who had actively opposed India’s freedom movement and colluded with imperialism to subvert the urge for freedom, who have never displayed unconditional allegiance to the Constitution, its sacredness has no meaning or evoke no feeling. While the communist parties do not believe in nationalism and nation and the Congress works to continuously try and dilute the larger vision and faith in nationalism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s actions  in governance and outreach  aim to strengthen the forces of unity and inspire an all-encompassing affirmative action to put India on track towards a great power status.

Those who refuse to strive for India’s emergence, or to celebrate her potential, or to work to position her in the comity of nations belong to the anti-India tribe, whose sole objective is self-glorification. In an India that aspires to evolve to a new dimension of energy and growth, in an India that aspires for prosperity, equity and justice for all, anti-Indianness and glorification of India’s civilisational enemies have no place as have no place all those who advocate or support that line.


In Jana Gana Mana  Tagore  that ‘bourgeois poet’  talks of “darun biplab”  mighty or fierce revolution in the midst of which the sound of the Immutable’s Conch of hope is heard. Such is the hour now, and a revolution is in the offing, but one which is of a different kind; it is a revolution that strives and struggles to celebrate India and to preserve and worship her.

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