
Opinion | Rahul Gandhi’s Grammar of Anarchy: A Recipe for Disaster

Rahul Gandhi, along with his minders and advisers in the Congress, believes that the grammar of anarchy will revive the Congress, help it win more seats, and expand its political footprint across the country The script that Rahul Gandhi reads on foreign soil is rooted in a grammar of anarchy. …

‘Creator of values’

In line with Prime Minister Modi’s vision, India is re-emerging as a global knowledge hub, exemplified by the relaunch of Nalanda University and international IIT campuses, among other things It was a fortuitous coincidence that just around the time that the Nalanda University was re-inaugurated, symbolising the achievement of a …

Opinion | How India Has Become A Major Geopolitical Actor And ‘Kalyana-Mitra’

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi concludes another landmark visit to Singapore, one is reminded of recent observations by Singapore’s diplomat-emeritus, Kishore Mahbubani. In a significant remark, Mahbubani asked, “How many leaders in the world can comfortably visit both Russia and Ukraine and be warmly received by both countries? Very few. …