
Opinion | How India Has Become A Major Geopolitical Actor And ‘Kalyana-Mitra’

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi concludes another landmark visit to Singapore, one is reminded of recent observations by Singapore’s diplomat-emeritus, Kishore Mahbubani. In a significant remark, Mahbubani asked, “How many leaders in the world can comfortably visit both Russia and Ukraine and be warmly received by both countries? Very few. …

Opinion | Remembering Partition Horrors, Commemorating the Tricolour: PM Modi’s Twin Calls

In 2022, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed declaring August 14 as a day of remembrance for those who suffered the torments of partition and also perished in it, a section of the gatekeepers of history writing and dissemination opposed him. They opposed his naming the remembrance as ‘Partition Horrors …

Era Sezhiyan retrieved and reprinted the Shah Commission Report, which investigated and documented the infamous Indira-Congress imposed Emergency of 1975-77. (Image: AFP File)
Opinion | The Report They Tried to Bury: The Shah Commission and the Emergency

The Indira Gandhi government believed destroying the Shah Commission Report would erase the 1975 Emergency from India’s memory. But history, like truth, has a way of re-emerging The late Era Sezhiyan (1923-2017) was a stellar parliamentarian, public intellectual, writer, political leader, and associate of Annadurai, the founder of the DMK. …