[Bengal Famine of 1943] on humanitarian ground and keep it beyond the purview of political gain was the Bengal Hindu Mahasabha in the person of Dr Syamaprasad Mookerjee” reported the colonial intelligence.

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[Bengal Famine of 1943] on humanitarian ground and keep it beyond the purview of political gain was the Bengal Hindu Mahasabha in the person of Dr Syamaprasad Mookerjee” reported the colonial intelligence. Spoke on two crucial episodes of Bengal’s history: the Bengal Famine of 1943 and Dr Mookerjee’s herculean efforts at organising relief beyond caste, creed and religion under the banner of the Hindu Mahasabha, while the Khaksars and the Muslim League agents were busy deporting starving Hindu boys and girls and force converting them. 2. The creation of West Bengal and Dr Mookerjee and his historic encounter with Swami Pranavananda Ji. Post independence the history of the freedom movement has been exclusively narrated by ideological and political exclusivists who have marginalised personalities and episodes. A sustained counter both intellectual and research is needed for a political and cultural counter in Bengal. At the Oxford Bookstore released two books: on Ashutosh Lahiri and the other on #VeerSavarkar and the Bengal Provincial Hindu Mahasabha.

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Spent the last two days in various programmes in Murshidabad

Spent the last two days in various programmes in Murshidabad- the joy, exuberance and deep reverence for #RamMandirAyodhya was palpable everywhere… spontaneous, across homes, localities- Jangipur-Raghunathganj.

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In Behrampore, Murshidabad, at the historic Grant Hall, on Parakram Divas

In Behrampore, Murshidabad, at the historic Grant Hall, on #ParakramDivas – a discussion on #ViksitBharat and how PM Shri Narendra Modi is realising the vision and hopes of #SriAurobindo, #NetajiSubashChandraBose & Dr #SyamaPrasadMookerjee. Eminent and popular physician Dr Nirmal Saha, veteran teacher and educationist Sh Jadabendra Pandey, BJP district president …