
Rise of civilisational states

The informal nature of the Mamallapuram summit has allowed Modi and Xi to form connections on shared culture as civilisational states Much has already been written about the Modi-Xi informal summit in Mamallapuram. The Wuhan Spirit was reciprocated by the Chennai Connect, the significant and symbolic dimension of the meet …

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An awakened Bharat?

Abrogation of 370 demonstrated the nation’s readiness for a change in thought process. In his Vijaya Dashami address, RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat referred to and drew attention to certain fundamental and core thoughts. These thoughts, whether one accepts them or not, whether one chooses to ignore or to internalise …

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Congress leaders lack knowledge of own history

Despite the Congress’s hurdles, despite Communists and Naxals trying to prevent it, PM Modi did just that and received resounding support. When he piloted the abrogation of Article 370 in both Houses of Parliament on August 5 and 6, 2019, Union Home Minister Amit Shah referred to a number of …

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Driver of the new world

Different dimensions emanated from Houston’s Howdy Modi event, collectively affirming India’s role as a responsible global power in shaping the new world order The historic Howdy Modi event in Houston and the Modi-Trump meeting and show of solidarity at the mega event in NRG stadium had different dimensions of symbolism …

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The great bond of union

Third edition of Samvad will serve as a global platform to shape and influence the emerging neo-world order The third edition of Samvad – Hindu-Buddhist initiative for conflict avoidance and environmental consciousness – is being held in Ulaan Bataar, capital of Mongolia – a region and civilisation that gives rise …

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Elites and their fakery

The global influence exercised by the elites has failed to reflect the realities of society In his provocative tract “Has the West Lost It”, thinker-diplomat Kishore Mahbubani makes a very interesting observation regarding Western elites and the carriers of their thoughts and articulation in the West. Mahbubani writes, “Western elites, …

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A nationalist narrative

For those who wish to embark on a deeper quest to internalise the essence of the evolution of Bharat Mata, this is one work that cannot be ignored. Swapan Dasgupta’s magnum opus, Awakening Bharat Mata: The Political Beliefs of the Indian Right, comes across as an inspiring, fascinating, thought-provokingly rich …

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End of Article 370: Finally, equal opportunity and benefit for all

The defanging and abrogation of Article 370 and the altering of the status of the region brought to fruition the dream of seeing India integrated from the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean. Since my last column, India has irrevocably changed. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, it is literally one flag that …

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One nation in thought, speech & action

Scrapping Article 370 was envisioned to bring greater opportunities for people of J&K In his magnum opus “My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir”, former governor of J&K, Jagmohan has argued that “one of the strongest roots of Kashmiri separatism and alienation lies in Article 370.” Referring to the divisive effects of …

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PM’s gift to the youth of J&K: Abrogation of Article 370 has opened up possibilities of increase in employment and economic growth

That Article 370 was discriminatory has been discussed and debated at length. But its mere revocation has opened up new possibilities for the youth of Kashmir. While one of the senior-most leaders of the Congress, professing to represent the Kashmiris, observed that they could be bought easily, in his address …

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Modi accomplishes what Mookerjee set out to achieve

In June, when he was piloting the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2019, which replaced an ordinance issued by the previous government, in Lok Sabha, Union home minister Amit Shah reminded the Congress and the Opposition benches that they must remember that Article 370 was purely “temporary in nature”. …

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Liberating the Kashmir narrative

Narendra Modi and Amit Shah have now brought compelling closure to SP Mookerjee’s long-drawn fight for a comprehensive Kashmir resolution Remembering Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee, ‘our party’s first national president who had attained martyrdom for this very demand of removing Article 370’, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, while replying to …

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Jana Sangh founder’s dream of ‘one India’ is finally a reality

Asked if he would respect the Indian tricolour, Sheikh Abdul said, “Oh, of course, we will recognise it.” But Syama Prasad Mookerjee was not convinced. In Parliament, he responded, “The Union flag is there in spite of anybody, and that is the flag of free India.” When Abdullah then said …

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For India wreckers, these are difficult times

The past fortnight has seen two decisive steps taken as far as our collective resolve to fight terrorism is concerned. Union Home Minister Amit Shah successfully piloted both the NIA Bill and UAPA Bill in Parliament. The debate and Shah’s response on both the bills brought out certain fundamental positions …

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